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Every visitor almost instantly recalls the experience due to the Activation games. The Sticky Factor Marketing was able to increase customer engagement and improve the stickiness of the visitor and improve return rates by incorporating fun filled elements. Visitors are able to engage with the space on which they are in at a much deeper level which encourages them to come back. In this context, this article sets out to explain how activation games can be designed to be friendlier and more interactive to enhance the space and the goals set out in the previous section.

Games that Have Activation Components to Pull Close the Visitors

The most important problem is how to keep the visitors for a longer period of time within that space by entertaining them and keeping them engaged. Interactive games like The Lava Floor Game or participatory games like Push, Hide, Laser, Arena, Hoops, and Climbing all lead to a higher level of interaction and engagement from the visitors. These games can be strategically placed around the facility where visitors tend to cluster the most which greatly increases the time spent within your venue and improves overall engagement with the facility.

The Floor is Lava Game: A Trip to Remember

The Floor is Lava Game is one of the most widely used active games. In this game, players try to move through a room where the floor is lava and they must jump from one obstacle or platform to another to get away from the lava. The fun part of not getting burned motivates players to create a friendly competition that can be incredibly fun. Participants will not only appreciate the challenge, but they will also be motivated to come back and try to defeat their friends, thus increasing return rates.

Push, Hide, and Laser: Boosting Participation

Games like Push, Hide and Laser are interesting as they show the fun in having and undertaking challenges, as well as completing them head on. In the Push game, participants interact with objects by pushing them, while in the Hide game, participants look for certain items or try not to be seen. The Laser game takes an innovative approach by having participants deliberately try not to get caught in beams of lasers while doing a task or achieving a certain objective. These types of games enhance interaction among the participants and increases their motivation to come back for new fun challenges.

Arena, Hoops and Climbing: Engaging Socially and Physically

Unlike other centers, Hoops, Arena and Climbing have focused a lot on socialization and physical activity at the same time. For instance, The Arena can be set up as a competition area where the players have to contest against each other in a number of games. Participants at Hoops can try and outdo one another in making basketball shots while climbing games are designed to challenge the endurance and skills of the visitors. These activities serve not only to increase the average length of time a guest stays, but also makes the guest willing to come back to the venue.

Getting Customers to Return by Interacting Socially More Often

Like their name suggests, activation games almost always have a competitive or collaborative component which makes the guest engage with each other. This competitive and social dimension serves as a pull factor for repeat visits because people like returning for places where they have friends and competitive objectives. These activation games aim at cultivating community spirit and guarantee to attendees that they will want to return, whether through rivalry or teamwork to overcome the challenge of the games.

BLEE Amusement: Tailor-Made Custom Activations Games For Any Venue

We, at BLEE Amusement design advanced activation games that are customizable to your venue. Our products like interactive games, the Floor is Lava Game, Arena, Hoops and many more, are made to amplify engagement and bolster visitor experiences. There is no doubt that guests will return because our BLEE activation games include features like Laser and Climbing.

These custom solutions address the needs of any venue seeking to create new experiences that can stimulate the imagination, keep people physically engaged, and motivate them to return again. Visit our website to understand how our products can improve your business. Visit BLEE Amusement and understand how we can assist you in providing the best experience for your patrons.

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